In order to cultivate and upgrade employees technical skills continually and effectively, providing a channel for employees individual development, to retain critical personnel, Human Resource Center have started identification of technical grade and qualification levels since 2018, gradually identify qualification levels according to position category.
According to this program, Human Resource Center formed a panel for cost related qualification identification in Sept 2019. On 29 Oct to 30, ‘Workshop of Position Review and Qualification Building for Project Cost’ was held in Gongcheng, Guangxi. Of 21 participants, some are good at cost analysis while some are from human resource.
Zhi Pinghua, head of the panel, general manager of Human Resource Management Center, and Li Qianlin, deputy of the panel, general manager of Cost Management Center, explained the background and objective of the training respectively; stressed that the identification of qualification is the foundation for recruitment, promotion, remuneration, and a tool for management as well; helpful for human resource allocation and assessment; require development vision based on company reality.
Zhi Pinghua and Li Qianlin delivered opening words
During two days and one night brainstorm, after review daily and routine work, 18 critical tasks, 88 sub-tasks were concluded; categorized into building budget, cost, contract and measurement.
Exchange and Assertion
Participants identified critical steps, quality standard for 88 sub-tasks; analyzed knowledge and skill; concluded knowledge, capability, skill and idiosyncrasy needed for technician, associate engineer and engineer.
In later stage, participants identified three categories work according to company operation, i.e. budget, cost and measurement, which formed a foundation for position qualification requirement.
According to premeditation, Human Resource Center would establish qualification recognition criteria based on the fruition of this workshop, and commence qualification review and promotion.
Huabang will develop with employees and foster individual growth. Let’s expect the exertion of qualification recognition system in cost analysis aspect.